The transformed life involves an encounter with God and the other.  In these encounters we are drawn in to examine our lives and our expectations. We release our notion of what was and lean forward into God's new vision for our world.  Perhaps not every encounter we have each day is life changing, but certainly every encounter we have holds that possibility. This Winter at RPC we will study scriptural moments where people encounter God's presence in Christ, in others, or in themselves.

  • Renovation of the Heart

    This classic book from the renowned Dallas Willard helps us to consider how our thinking about God can lead to transformation of our minds and our hearts.

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  • You Are What You Love

    Smith's approachable book helps us to see how our lives are driven by our greatest love.
    Considering how what and whom we love shapes our lives will be an important step in transformation.

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  • Everything Good about God Is True

    Reyes - Chow's primer on Christian Theology reframes what you think you know about God in a hopeful and gracious way. This book might challenge your assumptions and lead you to a place a deeper love for God and others.

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  • The Church in an Age of Secular Mysticisms

    Root masterfully unmasks the voices and forces of our modern context that promise transformation but leave us yearning for something more.
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